Hey everyone—I’m George, CEO here at Navigator.

Sponsored Ads more and more get a bad rap, but they shouldn’t. Ads are ridiculously powerful!


It feels great to get a tailored offer from a brand you love. The perfect product just when you need it. Or the offer to support a cause you’re close to, just when you’re thinking about it most.

That’s how ads should be viewed.

But things got complicated.

You started getting random offers you didn’t want, from organisations you didn’t follow. You lost control over who could reach you. An avalanche of mundane, outright unhelpful Ads cluttered your Newsfeed.

How must your supporters feel?!

And yet, some Ads remain a wonder. Thanks to these Ads, people across cultures, cities, and communities are untied with content they engage with.

They’re reliable.

It’s simple. Put the right content in front of the right human and they’ll share their time with you.

Their first mini moment.

Maybe even their money.

So, good news. The magic’s still there.

It’s just obscured – buried under a mess of bad habits and neglect. Some from people, some from machines, a lot from furu* advice.

Ads deserve a dust-off.

A renovation.

Modernized for the way we serve content today.

With Navigator, we’ve done just that. It’s a redo, a rethink, a simplified, potent reintroduction of good-hard-honest Ad serving.

A fresh start, the way it should be.

Navigator is our love letter to Ads, and we’re sending it to you on the Web, Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android.


*Furu – Fake Guru

Download our free guide:

The 5 levers of successful Facebook sponsored ads for charities and mission driven organisations

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