A predictable way to gain new supporters

Discover a simple and transparent way to find new supporters of your mission, with paid advertising.

✔ Greater clarity
More enjoyment
Predictable results

‘Vanity metrics’ are costing you money, because:

  • You’re clouded by numbers that look good but don’t represent real results (or humans)
  • You’re baffled by industry jargon and marketing speak
  • You’ve been promised a return that you’re not seeing

So you’ve reached the conclusion that paid advertising just doesn’t work for you.

You might be not-for-profit,

But you’re not for-loss.

Advertising in the digital age can seem like a dark art. We will show you the opportunity waiting for you by knowing which levers to pull and when.

Our job is to clear the fog, for good.

We focus on three areas to maximise the lifetime value of a supporter


First we analyse the audience and their motivations so we can put the right strategy together for the right channels.


We have the right people, processes and systems to deliver campaigns that convert and that tap into new supporter groups.


We handle the web development, creative, communications and ad fulfilment and report back with the results.

80% of charitable income is generated by less than 20% of charities in the UK.

We know how hard it is to be in a market where you are fighting for the hearts of the same generous supporters.

We’ve helped organisations just like yours that have fallen behind the digital curve, to build a tribe of committed supporters in a transparent and predictable way.

How it works.


1. Opportunity

When we start working together the first step is to analyse your audience and create supporter personas. This gives us a rich insight into the possibilities.


2. Connection

Next our creative and technical teams get to work on media planning and preparing for any web development or design for your campaign.


3. Projection

At this point we can give you a clear worst and best case costs per result for your campaign, giving you a transparent look into your expected return.

4. Execution

Then finally we build the relevant reporting dashboards and execute on your advertising plan, adjusting the 5 levers needed to increase your chances of success.

ROI before you buy.

If you want to see the difference in your results before we decide to work together, call us today.

It’s a Win-Win-Win

With a focus on lifetime value and the digital-human blend we increase the success rate for us, for you and your mission.

Some of the clients we’ve helped make the switch from vanity to sanity in their marketing.

Will you continue with

vanity marketing?

Without clear direction or action you can continue to pay more for your results, leaving you stuck in the fog and giving you an unpredictable future.

Or navigate your way to

sanity marketing?

Where you can get a clear route to grow your supporter numbers with greater transparency, predictable results and more enjoyment doing what you love.

Help to navigate through the fog.

The office is open from 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.

Download our free guide:

The 5 levers of successful Facebook sponsored ads for charities and mission driven organisations

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Navigator Media & Advertising Ltd 
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Artillery Business Park
Park Hall
SY11 4AD

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